Seed Guides

Explore these guides to understand the application process, eligibility criteria, and how to prepare your submission to make a strong impact. Whether you’re an emerging writer or an experienced professional, these resources will help you unlock your creative potential and contribute to the industry’s growth.

a yellow typewriter sitting on a yellow background
Seed & Seed Advanced is proudly funded by NZ Film Commission.

How to Apply

Applying for Seed

  • Biography/Resume - should demonstrate eligibility & include identifying details which will not be supplied to the Assessors, attached in PDF format.
  • Budget / Plan - an outline of how the grant will enable the applicant to write and deliver the next draft of the script, attached in PDF format.

Writer(s) - remove all identifying details from the following:

  • Logline, Short Synopsis, Potential Audience - entered into an open field in the online application portal.
  • 5 Page Treatment attached in PDF format.
  • 10 Page Script attached in PDF format - 11 pages if title page is included.

Applying for Seed Advanced

  • Biography/Resume - should demonstrate eligibility & include identifying details which will not be supplied to the Assessors, attached in PDF format.
  • Budget / Plan - an outline of how the grant will enable the applicant to write and deliver the next draft of the script, attached in PDF format.

Writer(s) - remove all identifying details from the following:​

  • Logline, Short Synopsis, Potential Audience - entered into an open field in the online application portal.
  • 5-10 Page Treatment attached in PDF format.
  • 10 Page Script attached in PDF format - 11 pages if title page is included.

Application Material


PDF format only for the Treatment and Script. Presented in industry-standard formatting and 12 pt courier font.

Treatment and Script PDF's must have all identifying details removed. Identifying details are writer(s) names, contact details and other type of personal identifiers. Script and Treatment PDF's cannot contain pictures, links to websites, casting references or director’s vision.

Examples and further How To Guides on formatting:


This is the first of two key documents on which the application will be assessed. The treatment is 5 pages for Seed and 5-10 pages for Seed Advanced.

This should deliver an outline of the core narrative story, including a beginning, middle and an end. The treatment should also convey the emotional journey, structure and genre, as well as something of the tone and characters.

Examples and How To Guides:


This document is the second of the two key documents to be assessed. Whilst the synopsis and the treatment state the promise and potential of the idea, this screenwriting sample delivers on that promise. It has to show that the writer can execute this screenplay in a skilful and professional manner. This includes tone, dialogue, cinematic imagery, transitions between scenes, and all the other elements that create a filmic experience in the reader’s mind.

  • The screenwriting sample must be from the same feature film as the application.
  • The sample pages must include some dialogue.
  • The sample pages may include non-consecutive scenes.
  • 10 pages of standard script formatted sample.


The logline is a statement, in 35 words or fewer, that reflects the narrative ‘hook’, premise or essential dramatic dilemma inherent in the proposed film. This is not a tagline for a movie poster, but rather a one or two-line summary of the film’s essential storyline.

Examples and How To Guides:


Short Synopsis

The synopsis is a highly-condensed story outline of no more than 250 words that clearly reflects the dramatic spine of the film. It must touch on the film’s tone, genre, emotional journey and key characters, and must include the film’s ending.

Examples and How To Guides:

Potential Audience

This paragraph will answer the following questions. Who is the primary target audience? What makes this movie different from competing movies? Why should your audience spend their time and money watching this movie?

Scriptwriting Software

Final Draft (NZWG members get a 30% discount) is considered the software of choice for professional scriptwriters.

You can also use any of the following scriptwriting software, click on the title to link you to further details about each one. Most free versions are web based and do contain ads.

Application Checklist

  • Check which grant you are eligible for, Seed (emerging) OR Seed Advanced (experienced)
  • The Script Sample is for the same project as in the application.
  • All identifying details are removed from the treatment and script sample PDF's.
  • Applicants must be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident.
  • Writer(s) is the rights holder. Whether the work is original, an adaptation, or based on other source material the writer must hold and maintain the rights in the work when entering and while they are a current recipient of a grant.
  • Writer(s) is not working with a producer in early development.
  • Writer(s) can apply with more than one application per round, in either Seed or Seed Advanced grants.
  • Writer(s) can apply to the grants a maximum of three times with the same project.
  • Entry Fee (Seed and Seed Advanced) - $20 for NZWG members | $40 for non-members.
  • Current members of Women in Film and Television (WIFT), Pan-Asian Screen Collective (PASC), Pacific Islands Screen Artists (PISA) and Nga Aho Whakaari (NAW) have access to the $20 Entry Fee.
  • Additional Feedback - $150. Writer(s) can purchase Additional Feedback on their Seed or Seed Advanced application upon applying. A different assessor reviews your application and gives 1 page of detailed notes on your project.
  • Application is accepted once payment has been made, and the elements are checked for eligibility, an email will be sent to confirm once the entry has been accepted.

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A yellow typewriter with scrunched up paper next to it