NZWG Board Members and Staff

The NZWG team ensures NZWG is well-managed, accountable, and focused on the needs of its members. From overseeing policy development and service quality to managing funds and representing writers in national negotiations, the team is dedicated to advocating for fair treatment, equitable opportunities, and the rights of New Zealand writers.

a group of people sitting in front of a projector screen

How the NZWG Team Supports and Advocates for Writers

What the team at NZWG does:

  • Protects, represents and furthers the interests of New Zealand writers.
  • Is the national and international voice of New Zealand writers.
  • Establishes, maintains, and improves minimum conditions of work and rates of compensation for writers.
  • Promotes policy, legislation, legal, and economic rights for the benefit of writers. This includes but is not limited to, the issues of copyright, moral rights, and status of the artist.
Large audience of people with 6 people sitting on a stage in front of them

NZWG Staff

Get to know the talented individuals behind the scenes.

The Board

Get to know the talented individuals behind the scenes.

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A yellow typewriter with scrunched up paper next to it