NZWG Rates Guide

Rates Guide recommending minimum rates for screenwriters based on current market rates and funding allocations.

an empty clapperboard, a brown notebook and pencil sitting beside a laptop keywoard

NZWG Rates Guide

Since 1976 NZWG has advocated and negotiated minimum rates and conditions for screenwriters.

NZWG has always advocated minimum rates and conditions for the writing of screenwork. The NZWG Rates Guide is a recommended guide for rates for screenwriters. Offering minimum rates for on-screen work.

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NZWG Rates Guide

Since 1976 NZWG has advocated and negotiated minimum rates and conditions for screenwriters.

NZWG was the first organisation to negotiate a minimum agreement for scriptwriters in theatres, and in the 1980s we negotiated minimum rates for screenwriters with television series minimum standard agreements.

The NZWG Rates Guide is a recommended guide for rates for screenwriters. The guide has been researched and updated based on current market rates and funding allocations. The guide contains recommended rates for feature film, television, web-series and radio. If you cannot find a rate for the type of work you are doing, you can contact NZWG help.

Remember, these are only recommended minimums – your work may be worth more!

And, experienced writers are encouraged to use these rates as a starting point for negotiation.

Quick Update - SIWA

We have gone through legislative change and the Screen Industry Workers Act 2022 (SIWA) is now in force. Which means that all screenwriting contracts must include payment for services.

NZWG is looking forward to commencing collective contract negotiations and creating enforceable minimum rates for screenwriters!

We will keep all members updated on the collective negotiation process as it occurs.

Should I work for free?

NZWG believes that no writer should work for free AKA nothing! However, you could be working on your own project, or developing an idea before it has funding. In these cases, you need to make sure you have an agreement (contract) to protect your rights credits and future fees. If this freebie goes gang busters, you need to make sure you’re rewarded!

What if I'm working on an overseas production?

Rates for writing on overseas productions will usually be governed by minimum collective agreement of the overseas territory.  Writers working for overseas producers or companies should be aware that overseas rates are usually significantly higher than in Aotearoa New Zealand. Don’t get ripped off!  If you are a member, contact NZWG to assist you with the appropriate rates of pay in other jurisdictions.  

Writers Guilds in other territories:

Australian Writers Guild (AWG)

Writers Guild of America East (WGAE)

Writers Guild of America West (WGAW)

Writers’ Guild of Great Britain (WGGB)

Writers’ Guild of Ireland (WGI)

International Affiliation of Writers Guilds (IAWG) - to locate other guilds globally.

Non-Screen Rates Advice

Writers seeking information regarding rates for theatre and literary works should contact the following organisations:

How to use the NZWG Rates Guide

This Guide has recommended rates for work on domestic (i.e., New Zealand funded) productions. Work on international productions should be at rates governed by those territories’ guilds and unions.

The amounts in this Guide offer a minimum range, occasionally including base minimums, and are based on the rates currently paid to our members. These rates are not currently enforceable. Experienced writers are encouraged to use these rates as a starting point for negotiation.

All rates and fees listed are exclusive of GST.

Rates Guide Advice Session

NZWG provides advice on recommended rates to all its members, contact NZWG for your advice session.

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NZWG Contract Advice, Negotiation & Mediation

Screen Industry Workers Act

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