I wrote, directed and produced 'RENT A GENT' a sixty minute romantic comedy shown as a red carpet world premiere event on the big screen... by George RR Martin's Santa Fe cinema the JEAN COCTEAU. I also wrote, directed 3 documentaries, one about the musical HAIR for Albatross Film, Munich/Germany. I wrote/directed and co-produced with Dr. Mueller. The second documentary was created for the USA TV channel A&E I wrote/directed and co- produced with 2 other producers: Muriel Fariello (NYC) and Luis Montano Luna of Mexico city. My last documentary was for a film festival, about a famous New Mexico stone-mason/sculptor. It is still frequently shown at the Los Lunas chamber of commerce. My USA published novel 'HOOFBEAT-HEARBEAT' is currently under consideration for a 12 episode streamer/series. On IMDB (under my name) you'll see a listing for a feature Western by the title of 'TEXAS HOLD 'EM'...hopefully soon to be produced in New Mexico, already approved for funding.
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